Thirty Years in a Basket
Playing Time: 75 minutes | Playing Space: 4×3 meters, 12×10.5 feet | Genre: Musical Story Telling
Have you ever wanted to totally leave it all?
Have you ever wanted to just unhand the world and flee the fear of irrelevance?
Have you ever wanted to say what you feel instead of what you hope?
You must only be very flexible, not afraid of heights and willing to give it all away.
Abandoned with her teenage son on a lonely train platform in communist Eastern Europe, Kathleen makes a daunting leap of faith from her ivory tower of academia and into a basket. This tenure-seeking university instructor tells her true odyssey from the rain forests of Panama, to dancing the Mazurka in a Polish Gospoda. She comes to understand that tragedy is inevitable in the storm of this world, but the comic is unexpected, astounding and gratuitously free, opening a chamber of the heart just waiting to be filled with immortality. Through her physical skills in song, dance and character the stage becomes a ‘tabla rasa’ in her hands and the viewer’s will never be the same.
Andrew Burnet, The Scotsman 2006
Three Weeks, 2006
…and the dramatic excellence of this performer.