Candles in the Window
Playing Time: 80 minutes | Playing Space: 4×3.5 meters, 12×10 feet | Genre: Drama
A fictional story based around the events and influence of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. A former domestic servant of the Bonhoeffer family in Berlin, who is part Jewish, meets with an aristocratic American widow whose husband, a British Special Services officer, was imprisoned with Dietrich during the war. Both women’s lives are bankrupt and conceal dark secrets. The legacy of Bonhoeffer’s influence on Christianity speaks from the grave and becomes the center of conflict in their stormy meeting.
Performance available in German and English.
“Candles in the Window” homepage
Stephen Lovatt
It is tenderly acted and very moving.
Susan Mansfield, The Scotsman, 2005
This is a thought-provoking play by Kathleen Ann Thompson.
Three Weeks, 2005
The theological content is obviously important. …two sharp performances and a careful picture of the war’s damage to both England and Germany make this a very interesting piece.
Süddeutsche Zeitung 19.9.06
Bonhoeffers Leben als bewegendes Drama – Kathleen A. Thompson und Agnes von Below ringen auf der Bühne um ethisch-existentielle Probleme… das feine Zusammenspiel der beiden Künstlerinnen… kann gar nicht genug gewürdigt werden. (Bonhoeffer’s life as a moving Drama – Kathleen A. Thompson and Agnes von Below struggle on the stage with an ethical and existential problem… enough cannot be said about the fine ensemble work from both artists.)
Dr.Eolene Boyd-Mac Millan, Cambridge University (Co – author of The Human Face of Church),2005
The theology came alive in your play, through the acting, the script, and the whole production.